We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves to all those of the faith of Christ Jeshua (Jesus Anglicized) First and foremost is that we are a faithful remnant of the former Worldwide Church of God (WCG) from the days of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, the 20th Century apostle who died on the 16th of January 1986. Any who did not know of this church and the late Pastor general we would be honoured to provide proofs of his ministry and work upon request.
Some time after his death the new administration began watering down the doctrines, attempting to take God’s church into mainstream Protestantism and a great exodus was ushered in in the form of the prophesied falling away then swung into full effect soon after (2Thess.2:3-7).
Up until 2010 we were led by the Pastor in charge of the former agricultural college at Bricketwood campus for the WCG, Mr. Colin Sutcliffe who died in April 2010. Back in 1990’s many of our members were joining together in what soon manifested as a faithful mustard-seed remnant who had retained the original teachings of the ancient church under the apostles of Christ, which God had revived in the 20th century through His servant Herbert W. Armstrong.
Unfortunately, the group our people had joined did not long retain their humble beginnings, but began to cast out faithful members and many other such unsavoury conducts which quickly set in, the worst of which was false prophesying.
Upon questioning the church hierachy about certain issues, the ultimatum given was to accept their leadership without question or leave. That meant separating from this 1st church group after approximately 5 years, but though this was not an attractive choice, the alternative was worse, and this faithful church began to be formed from grass-roots membership and remained separate ever since, while diligently looking for other faithful church people, elders and ministers to join with in unity of the faith once delivered unto the saints. (Jude 3)
After our church group was founded with some members and others leaving various groups who likewise were not fulfilling Christ’s commission and teachings, we grew in numbers, but more importantly, in the knowledge and the grace of Christ with new knowledge some 7-years after that time of separation by information that was sent to us from others around the world. That increase in spiritual knowledge began in 1997, when we were confronted with the facts of our holy day calendar errors which our Pastor did not want to look into, but, did and to his and our collective shock proved the churches worldwide but for an ifinnitessimal few, were keeping God’s commanded festivals contrary to scripture.
This knowledge was put together in booklet form and sent to all the major churches in 7-nations to read and disprove. Not one of the churches that had meetings concerning this truth ever disproved and still haven’t to this day, while, like the priesthood at the time of Christ, rejected all truth without any basis according to the scriptures. One even infamously telling me to, “just follow the Jews, they know what they’re doing”. If this was the case they would not have rejected our Lord, or ccused Him of being demon inspired, nor could they have killed the Lord of life. We are instructed in Jeremiah 17:5 Cursed be the man that trusts in man and whose heart departs from the LORD, but blessed is the man that trusts in the LORD and whose hope the LORD is. Jer.17:7.
As a small faithful remnant seeking other likeminded faithful in Christ, it has become clear that the true-brethren of Christ are and have always been small, and apart from rare occasions have always been so through all ages, which is witnessed by the original Elijah when he thought he was the only faithful one left at that time. I Kings.19:14-17. Just as it was recognized by Paul. Rom’s.11:1-7; Proving without shadow of a doubt that only the election have obtained this report, and the rest were blinded unto this day.
Like some of God’s people scattered after the ruin of the former WCG, we are as it was in ancient times, apart from the hierarchy of man’s “organizations” which traditionally tended to lose their focus on Christ over their “church government organization” often being more concerned with power, wealth, disputing among themselves, casting out the faithful as it was in the time of the last surviving apostle, John, when the Diotrephes controversy manifested the wrongs he did to the faithful in the church. III John 9-10.
Today, these organizations play the numbers game for their own self inflated ego’s, ruling with heavy handed tactics contrary to Christ’s own commands not to do so as the Gentiles. Mat.20:25-26; Luk.22:26.
We have scattered members in a number of countries, having done work in the US, Britain, Philippines, N.Z, Holland and as far as Africa. Unfortunately, this changes due to spiritual and other conditions including global pressures which the prince of the power of th air can put on any of God’s people which are holding fast in the Lord. We also work concurrently with other likeminded faithful church groups who like the Bereans were more noble, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and seacrhed the scriptures daily whether those things (spoken) were so. Acts.17:11. Today, as it was anciently, God’s elect are in ever decreasing numbers worldwide as the long prophesied time of trouble and great tribulation draws on.
Regardless of these pressures and world troubles we know it is God through Christ that calls, and each to their own gifts, work and faith. Our part is to serve those who are sanctified by the faith of Christ Jesus (Jeshua Pro-Yeshua) and those who are able to serve with us, that do not have what seems to be a common problem with those who lead, the “big-head problem”, we likewise invite and welcome all those sanctified in Christ, yet not us, but Christ who walks in the midst of the golden candlestick eras, this being the 7th and final church era. Rev.2:1.
As such, although possibly the smallest of all the churches, yet we are ordered as Charitable Trust Entities, and are properly organized according to doctrine. I Cor.14:40. 2Tim.2:2. Col.2:5 Titus.1:5-16. Luk.12:42-44.
Our order of conducts means we serve widows, the fatherless and all who come to us in truth and in the Spirit of Christ. As such, our financial affairs include audited charitable accounts, we conduct recorded weekly Sabbath services, which are sent to all who request the CDs, newsletters, booklets and other such materials free of charge. We have been and still are in the process of reaching out by special invitation to all faithful brethren, elders, deacons and small church groups, whether family based or whether 2 or more of the called gathering together in Christ’s name in some form or another.
If, as it does appear, that this is presently the Father’s will, though the Gospel was proclaimed worldwide in that marvelous work by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, we know we are commanded to continually do so to all whether they know it or not of the one-true Gospel of Christ Jesus until the end.
Again, we offer to serve all those who seek Christ in the Spirit and in truth from this website, by word or letter, by phone, zoom or teams meetings at this present time, and invite all whose hearts the Lord has opened to His elect people.