Christmas is Pagan!



Today most people believe the Christmas tree represents Jesus birthday with all the usual nativity scenes, yule log and mistletoe which are in fact from pre-Christian times-Paganism!

The modern world of today’s western societies has no idea about the life, the teachings and the will of the one they call Jesus who was sent by His heavenly Father to deliver the message of His coming kingdom to this earth. (Mark.1:14) The sad fact that most “Christians” prefer their own idea of Jesus and “Christianity” to the real Jesus (Anglicized form for Jeshua) and His teachings.

Did Jesus and His disciples who became His apostles institute this festival and if so wouldn’t the instructions to observe it be in the good book? In fact, the Bible, New Testament and Old Testament does not teach the observance of such a festival anywhere, and that the Bible condemned pagan’s for the celebrating what is actually a Pagan festival some 700-years before the birth of the Savior, saying the customs of the people are vain, for one cuts a tree out of the forest…with an axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. Jeremiah 10:2-3.

Unknown to this modern worldly, the early church never celebrated pagan festivals as Britannica the largest encyclopedia records

What was this condemnation in relation to? Clearly the same festival kept today in our so-called “Christian” nations, but in addition the teaching from verses one to at least eleven speaks specifically about Pagan worship of false god’s, this “tree” representing a fallen “god”, Nimrod, which his mother-wife Semiramis deceived the people into resurrecting an image of him with the “stock” (Christmas Tree) is a doctrine of vanities. (Jer.10:8.) In point of fact the Xmas tree does not represent Christ but Nimrod.


The truth concerning Christ’s birthday is that He was not born in the dead of winter on December-25 at all as Scripture points out the shepherds were attending their flocks out in the field by night at the very time the Saviour was born.

That could never have happened during the winter season because it was bitterly cold and the flocks were brought into pens no later than mid-October for protection against the winter conditions include rains which followed.

For Biblical proof that ‘Jesus’ was NOT-BORN December-25, one only need read Luke chapter 2 and verse 8. Here the shepherds were indeed tending their flocks at the time of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem, Palestine.


Actually, it was known by other names in the lands of the Heathens through ancient history, with the New International Encyclopedia saying the date was fixed December 25th in honor of heathen gods — IDOLATRY!
   The Encyclopedia Americana says “CHRISTMAS”  was, according to many authorities, not celebrated in the first centuries of the Christian Church, as the Christian usage in general was to celebrate the death of remarkable persons, rather than their birth… A feast was established in memory of this event (the birth of Christ) in the fourth century. In the fifth century the Western Church ordered it to be celebrated forever on the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of Sol, as no certain knowledge of the day of Christ’s birth existed.”

And again, from the Britannica: “Certain Latins, as early as 354, may have transferred the birthday from January 6th to December 25th, which was then a Mithraic feast, the birthday of the unconquered SUN of Philocalus. The Syrians and Armenians, who clung to January 6th, accused the Romans of Sun-worship and idolatry, contending that the feast of December 25th had been invented by disciples of Cerinthus.”
            The Americana says “the holly, the mistletoe, the Yule-log, etc., are relics of pre-Christian times,” — Paganism! READ MORE—

            The book “Answers to Question,” compiled by Frederick J. Haskins, to be found at any public library, says: “The use of Christmas wreathes is believed by authorities to be traceable to the pagan customs of decorating buildings, and places of worship, at the feast which took place at the same time as Christmas.

The Christmas tree is from Egypt, and its origin dates from a period long anterior to the Christian era.”

The so-called “Christians” which were made up at that time of Rome’s national religion under Constantine the Great who took up with this pagan holiday, gave it a Christian-sounding name, called it the birthday of Christ, instead of Sol, in their attempt to unite the Pagans and “Christians” and have continued since to worship Sol’s birthday in the name of Christ!
   Consequently, it is one of those pagan fables people have been turned to in the great apostacy away from God!

Observing and celebrating Christmas, then, is in fact not a Christian custom, instituted by Christ or the Apostles, but a Heathen Custom, and Idolatry! It is learning and following the way of the HEATHEN as God told His people not to do by His servant Jeremiah the prophet Jeremiah;

“Thus saith the LORD, Learn NOT the way of the Heathen… vs.3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cuts a tree out of the forest, …vs.4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

For vs.8, the KJV has;

The (LSV) has the following for vs.8;  And as one they are brutish and foolish, || An instruction of vanities [is] the tree itself. The word vanities has the meaning, worthlessness!

Just as important in this aspect of false worship are the inspired words of Paul to Titus as follows;

Tit 1:16  They profess that they know God; but in works (In the works, actions, thoughts and deeds) they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. (Devoid of judgement is the meaning.)

Likewise in I John.2:4. He that says, “I know Him” and keeps not His commandments, is a LIAR, and the truth is not in him.

Why then does “Christianity” and almost the entire western world celebrate this ancient Pagan festival believing it celebrates the birth of the Saviour?

For that answer we must turn to the book of Revelation 12:9 That old serpent called the Devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. That’s possibly #1 reason.

Another reason is that man likes it that way! There is a cause for every effect we see in this world! That is clear against the backdrop of man’s chaotic world-Gov’ts its claim to be managing their affairs stands in stark contrast to the violence, lawlessness, hatred, divisions, broken marriages & families, riots, violent protest movements, prisons filled to capacity whereof “judges” now reward criminals by allowing them to walk free from the courts after the Police have arrested them for heinous crimes against their fellow-man, in rapes, home invasion, robbery, murder, child abduction, sex-slavery, political abdication of responsibility while interfering in the Judicial system to let criminals roam our streets committing more and more crimes on the citizens they were sworn to protect.

They Like it That Way?

What way? The way whereby, they refuse to accept the Creator’s very real and living existence, power and God-Head over the entire limitless creation, that’s how!

You see, manmade science which rejects anything they cannot see or prove for “themselves” apparently means they get to teach the rest of us ignoramus’s who don’t “understand” that their intelligence trumps our belief in and of the Creator, His awesome power, Laws, statutes and righteous ways set down in His immutable Law, because they “know” there is apparently no god! How poor, ignorant & foolish we are to them who apparently know better. Atheists, Pagans, disbelievers of the truth as modern Christianity has been for centuries cannot know the one- true-God, and His AWESOME PURPOSE being worked out here below, while all God haters, liberals, leftwing people’s that deny the Creator, that hate Christian truths, values, morals, Christian goodness, mercy and grace, spit in the face of Almighty God with their valueless existence saying there is no God.

It is a fact that mankind stubbornly refuses their Creator God, in order to choose his own way, his own “religion” according to his/her beliefs and, although they know it not, to live according to the way of sin, because sin is the transgression of God’s Law, (I John.3:4) but human beings reject God and His Law at this time because his ‘carnal-mind’ is hostile to God’s Law, refusing to be subject to the Law of God, which in truth is summed by the one word-LOVE, the love of GOD!

Love is the fulfilling of the commandments! I John.5:3.

Even so, apart from the Spirit of Christ no man can come to Him unless the Father which sent him calls them! (John.6:44)

The truth is that God’s Law is a spiritual dynamic which is not able to be comprehended by physical things, physical beings. This truth is again able to be sited in I Cor.2:14;  Because it, the carnal-fleshly mind is barren of the Spirit of God And is verified in the 9th verse: Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his.

Regardless of the plethora of religious fervor on so-called “Christian organizations, without the Spirit of Christ which they constantly believe they DO have, their works prove them differently!

You see,, our Lord pinpointed who His true people are, saying, “Ye shall KNOW them by their fruits”……. Mat.7:16-20. This is speaking of spiritual fruits, again, harking back to the reference mentioned earlier from Rom.8:9…now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is NONE of His! In other words, is NOT a Christian which is just another way of saying a follower of Christ. Because he/she has not been called. Rom.8:28-30.

Those who are called are to bring forth fruits of that Spirit of Christ given at baptism and the laying on of the hands of the ministry of Christ as shown in Gal.5:22-23.

This chapter of Galatians, as with many others, Romans, the Gospels, the epistles of Paul to Timothy, Titus, the 3-epistles of John, Simon-Peter, James, Jude, Philippians, Philemon, the epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, etc, etc, which they all espouse the way of righteousness, the way of truth, of holiness, as those called out of this present evil world.

But those not imbued with the Spirit of God and Christ cannot see these spiritual concepts, because they are in darkness, thinking it’s all good to sin now because Christ came to do-away with His Father’s Law?

Never! He came to pay the penalty for our sins bringing grace to the called. NOT the whole world, yet!

Grace is not license to sin, but is given with the Spirit of God. Eph.4:7; and as Jude spoke under God’s inspiration in Jude-4, in the following 3-versions:

(BSB) Jud 1:4   For certain men have crept in among you unnoticed—ungodly ones who were designated long ago for condemnation. They turn the grace of our God into a license for immorality, and they deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

(TPT) Jud 1:4 There have been some who have sneaked in among you unnoticed. They are depraved people whose judgment was prophesied in Scripture a long time ago. They have perverted the message of God’s grace into a license to commit immorality and turn against our only absolute Master, our Lord Jesus Christ.

(Remedy) Jud 1:4  Scripture from long ago tells that those who reject this truth remain terminal and cannot be healed. Such people have slipped in among you and are attempting to twist the truth about God. These people, even though they purport to be believers in God, are actually godless because they have rejected the truth about God’s true character and principles, and instead, teach a powerless gospel that misrepresents God, fails to transform lives, and denies that Jesus Christ is our Lord and the source of our healing and restoration.

If these teachings do not make sense to the reader concerning grace and the way of God, and His righteousness to strive to live by and walk in His holy way, with His commandments, His righteous Laws, not according to the ritualistic laws of sacrifices, but in the Spirit and magnified principles of the Law, there is little more for that reader to learn.

As mentioned earlier in Rom’s.8:7. That is why the mind that focuses on human nature is hostile toward God. It refuses to submit to the authority of God’s Law because it is powerless to do so. (ISV)

There are a plethora of truths that disprove not just “Christmas” as Pagan, but all of mankind’s ideas of Jeshua, {Pro: Yeshua} (Jesus Anglicized) and all of their human-devised traditions, but the Lord categorically condemned man’s traditions over God’s Law.  Read it in Mark.7:7-13.

Summarised in the following: Mar 7:9  And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 

“Christianity” that arose after the 1st Century AD following the murders of the original apostles of our Lord had was altogether different from the original which our Lord raised up with those whom He called, the meek, the teachable, not the religious power at the time, nor mostly from among the rich, but the poor, and the apostles themselves were chosen of God via the holy Spirit which was poured out upon them on the inauguration of the New Testament church on the day of Pentecost.

This is the festival Christ and His disciples observed as part of God’s 7-step plan of salvation for His called church, (Ekklessia-called out holy one’s) not the false religions all calling themselves “Christian” today, all speaking in the name of Jesus Christ but ignoring His commandments and teachings.

Learning to connect cause & effect, truth, facts and the power of the scriptures is plainly necessary in order to learn the way of truth, of obedience to the God-head,  to the word of God, which is Truth, John.17:17; and is Spirit! John.6:63.

Notice the scripture in Isa.30:

Isa 30:8  And now, go, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come as a witness forever. 

Isa 30:9  For they are a rebellious people, lying children, children unwilling to hear the instruction of the LORD; Isa 30:10  who say to the seers, “Do not see,” and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us what is right; speak to us smooth things, prophesy illusions, (Delusion)

Isa 30:11  leave the way, turn aside from the path, let us hear no more about the Holy One of Israel.”  Isa 30:12  Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel, “Because you despise this word and trust in oppression and perverseness and rely on them, Isa 30:13  therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach in a high wall, bulging out and about to collapse, whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant; 

Isa 30:14  and its breaking is like that of a potter’s vessel that is smashed so ruthlessly that among its fragments not a shard is found with which to take fire from the hearth, or to dip up water out of the cistern.” 


False Gospels Deceive Humanity From Their I.H.P

What’s I.H.P? Man’s Incredible Human-Potential to enter the kingdom of God as born sons was what the Lord came proclaiming to the world. Mark.1:14 After that John (the Baptist) was put in prison Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God! What is the kingdom of God? It is the ruling government of God-Beings who have been born into the God-family or kingdom ruling over peoples, nations by Spirit-Born sons. See I Cor.15:50-54; I Thess.4:13-17. I Pet.s:5,9. Speaks of a Royal Priesthood, as does Rev. Rev.22:5;  Rev.20:4-6; Refers to the first resurrection for the first 1,000-years, but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished! Rev.17:14; Speaks of a special number of 144,000 who have the Spirit of God with a new name. And Rev.5:9-10; Speaks of kings and priests reigning on earth!

This world of humankind is filled with false god’s, false religious worship, and lies taught by men who have not the Spirit of our God and our Saviour Christ Jesus, who teach a false gospel of going to heaven, never dying but living forever, often just playing harps in laziness forever.


The apostle Paul pronounced a double curse upon any preaching a false gospel in Gal.1:6-9.

Mankind’s religionists do not understand the dynamic power of the Gospel of Christ because it is a spiritual matter, and physical things cannot understand the spiritual because it is foolishness unto him! I Cor.2:14.

Take for example just one site taken at random:

The false notions set out therein are as far removed from the truth of the scriptures as to seem grotesque in the extreme. Under the subhead “Gospel”:

 Christians believe Jesus’ incarnation is ‘good news’ for all people. (‘Gospel’ means ‘good news’.)  His life, teaching and ministry embody what it is like to be one of the People of God, what it means to live in relationship with God.

Under the subhead “Kingdom of God” The Bible talks in terms of God’s ‘Kingdom’ having begun in human hearts through Jesus. The idea of the ‘Kingdom of God’ reflects God’s ideal for human life in the world – a vision of life lived in the way God intended for human beings.  Christians look forward to a time when God’s rule is fulfilled at some future point, in a restored, transformed heaven and earth. Meanwhile, they seek to live this attractive life as in God’s Kingdom,

Under the subhead “Fall” Humans have a tendency to go their own way rather than keep their place in relation to their creator.  This attitude is called sin…

None of this could be further from the truth! The entire gospel message centres around the coming kingdom of God to this world beginning at Christ’s descension down through the clouds in power & great glory, (Mat.24:30) and the complete restitution of all things in heaven and in the earth. (Acts.3:21)

That includes the Laws of God governing over all life on planet earth! In Acts.3:21, ‘Jesus’ (Anglicized form of His true name Jeshua or Jehoshua) is shown to have returned to the Father until this time has been fulfilled and He is sent to carry out this total restructuring and rehabilitation of the earth and every part of the topography all over the planet which has been neglected, destroyed and corrupted by man’s greed and device.

Part of that restitution means great tracts of land are to be made available from presently uninhabitable areas such as the North & South Poles, Greenland, the dead sea, the great dividing ranges and mountainous regions, as well as vast oceans made into habitable land for food production and living for billions who will be resurrected back to life!

Then will God’s servants teach the masses about God’s will, laws, statutes, commandments, precepts and judgements and never again to be pushed into corners, rejected and ignored. (Isa.30:21) And “the deaf and the blind” will then hear the words of the book and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness. The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the holy one of Israel. FO the terrible one (Satan) is brought to nothing, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off! (Isa.29:18-20.)

 Then will righteousness reign on the earth, and all will learn to see that God’s way, God’s laws, and God’s divine will is right, and holy and just and perfect because that old serpent called the Devil and Satan will have been removed from the throne of the earth by Christ at His arrival here on earth at His return in power and great glory! (Rev.20:1-3; Mat.24:30-31)

 One of the main reasons humankind has believed the lie that he goes to heaven rather than that he dies and is buried, is that it was first told to man’s progenitors “Adam and Eve in the garden by the serpent, that he would not surely die for disobeying God”.

Well, we know how that has worked out for humankind because clearly man has been dying and being buried from that time to this, but astonishingly, after millennia, human beings still cling to the false notion that their dead relatives are looking down on them from heaven!

That is the deceptive power Satan has and God has allowed by sending strong delusion that they should believe lies to all who love not the truth but have pleasure in unrighteousness. (2Thess.2:10-12.)

In the garden, God, who cannot lie simply instructed those whom He created in His own image and likeness, thus;  Gen 2:16  And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, Gen 2:17  but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you SHALL surely die!    

That, unfortunately is part of the fallen state of mankind who have ever since fallen prey to the great deceiver and that hatred the serpent has for us mortals whom God purposed to become part of His kingdom, His family.

This former great cherub, one of three, fell, and with him a third of the angelic host which became demons, while inspiring mankind to in actual fact, worship him, the chief of demons, following his will, his whims, his corrupt “thinking” in order to destroy the family of God. He also knows God will succeed, but will cause as much harm and mayhem, causing them that have his mark and that worship his image to be cast alive with him into the lake of fire with the false prophet. Rev.19:20; 20:10.

There are a number who will refuse to accept the truth of God, just as we write here to point any willing to Christ, the redemption and salvation that is available to them through Him.

Christmas, or “Christ’s-Mass” Catholic for the mass they hold each Sunday is only a Pagan idea of deceived men, with most justifying their keeping of it in defiance of God with words like, “Surely you keep the Lord’s birthday”? Nothing could be further from the truth!


Unfortunately, the above image is a pretty fair representation of humankind’s trivial desire to follow the childish myths of false preachers and paganized human beings separated from God and His truth. Even the ‘red-Santa’ is in reality a deception of a “giving” all beneficent world gift-giving “god” whereas “Santa” is really an acronym of Satan, the being that deceived all mankind in the garden as the serpent!

The book or Revelation chapter 12 and verse 9 speaks of the deception of the whole world by the great Dragon which was cast out of heaven.  

These are inconvenienttruths mankind and especially “Christianity” so-called, will not look at, but unless and until all that keeps these Pagan festivals invented by blinded man seek the truth, stop keeping childish lies by deceived “teachers” they will soon find themselves on the wrong side of God in a coming time of horrors ‘Jesus’ said is coming very soon to a world willingly held-captive to the deceptions and Paganized lies of the Father of lies, Satan the Devil, who was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, that now works in the ‘children’ of disobedience. (Eph.2:1-2; Rev.12:9. 2Cor.4:4)

Another inconvenient fact mankind refuses to acknowledge in his myriad of false religions is that there cannot be many different “religions” all worshipping the same God, in
truth, but there can be many false religions that are deceived, or they would all be speaking the same thing TRUTH, therefore they can’t all be right in truth, but they can all be wrong!!


                It is recorded in many, many of the Old and New Testament scriptures of Satan the Devil’s very real and powerful existence! A few examples are in Matthew chapters.4, 9, 12, 15, 17; Mark chapters 5 & 7 in the New Testament. 

Satan the Devil is shown being used of God in Job chapters 1 & 2; I Chron’s.21; and Zechariah chap’ 3; as always resisting God’s servants.

He was a great spirit-being of such glory he outshone all the others including the 2-other Cherubs, Michael and Gabriel, and was over a 3rd of the angelic host when he was allocated work to carry out on the earth, but He rebelled against the Government of God and attempted a coup on the Throne of God the Father with his rebel angels. Jude 6;

That could be millions or even billions of demons. Much is written of them at the time of Christ’s ministry, and in the Old and New Testament scriptures. Some were powerful, some in great numbers in a human host which bonds could not hold. Others were different in ‘nature’ speaking through their human hosts directly to Christ who rebuked them and commanded them to come out of their hosts.

What is very significant in this context is that spirit beings are powerful, unable to be killed, but are “held in darkness” until the time our LORD returns to take the throne of the earth from Satan and His demons called wicked spirits in high places. Eph.6:10-16.


These are only a summary of why humankind keeps the Pagan festival which today is called Christmas but has nothing whatsoever to do with Christ, His birthday or any other thing, but comes from demonic forces influencing Pagan human beings through thousands of years to keep Satanic holidays over God’s Holy days.

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