When Will Western Leaders Grow A Spine?
In almost every western nation our entire way of life has been hijacked by terrorists in our midst!
So what are the leaders of the west doing? A big fat nothing!
Instead of ensuring any immigrants understand our way of life, our laws and our culture, they let them come in, scream ‘Jihad’ against us and our allies, while terrorising everyone that doe not agree with them and their warped “ideals”!
It is high time our “leaders” got serious and started by rounding up Jihadists and locked them up. Why won’t they do that? Because it’s not Politically Expedient to because the Jihadists could vote them out of office couldn’t they?
This is just one of the many layered problems that confront the civilian populations of our western nations under the “leadership” of P.C, weak, woke & woeful Presidents, Prime ministers, Premiers, Governors, mayors in and through every country where ‘democratic values’ are seen as important. To the Jihadists this is just one of the inroads to destroying our way of life, & the ‘values’ if they can be called that within our own Israelitish, western countries.
It is clear therefore that our so-called “leaders” are leading us into pain, suffering, and the overthrow of our own lands and all from within and among us!
It is now time for the voters to stand up and say no more, if you don’t like it here then leave! If you don’t like our means of dealing with terrorists, of murderers of innocent families, children and babies of rapists and Jihadists LEAVE!!!
The fact that they are ‘winning’ the political spin of weak minded useful idiots on the left and university educated elites is not only common but one of many levels which our Governments must stamp out.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your view on these things, unless & until Governments man-up, grow a spine and deal justice and some very tough love to the Jihadists, the weak, woke and woeful our own people will continue to suffer, and the time to act is NOW!
Not after everything the lives of your citizens, your electorates, your communities, towns and cities are filled with the very hate speech, violence and murderous terrorists have completely infiltrated them.
As citizens speak up!