World News Watch Lk.21:36

The Suicide of the West and God’s Vengeance

Hamas terrorists murdered 40 babies including beheadings, says report Israeli soldiers discovered horrific scenes at Kfar Aza kibbutz near the Gaza border. This article was first produced in the Jewish Chronicle on Oct’ 2023, but due to the political games Iran’s proxies Hamas and Hezbollah

Islam In The West Taking Over Our Nations

When Will Western Leaders Grow A Spine? In almost every western nation our entire way of life has been hijacked by terrorists in our midst! So what are the leaders of the west doing? A big fat nothing!     Instead of ensuring any immigrants


Why the former faithful church of God is now napping in lukewarm spiritual sleep! In two-prophetic parables the Lord prophesied of the time when certain of the ‘virgins’ would be ‘slumbering’. This reference to a spiritual slumber when this portion of the affianced bride while

British Peoples Fulfill Ancient Biblical Prophecies

Ephraim also is silly as a dove without heart! Hosea.7:11 Massive Death March Against Jews in London The major protest against Judah-Jews not Israel took place in London, October 14, 2023. A protest which included many silly British citizens. We are seeing through all western


Hezbollah claims responsibility for attacks on Israeli outposts in disputed territory From whence is the first & last word on World troubles? In the holy book & its author, GOD! All historic events are Foreknown & have been forewritten in Bible Prophecy. What was forewritten

Modern Sodom & Gomorrah

As if families didn’t have enough to contend with, from rising fuel & energy prices through weak, woke and woeful governments being deceived into the great big lie of the century, “Climate-change”, by big-tech, big money, and shadow governments. Thanks to Pamela Geller for having the guts to call out these perverted individuals conducts who want to be accepted as “normal”.

President Zelenskyy’s Historic Visit To Washington

The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, delivered one of the most inspiring speeches to a joint session of Congress ever witnessed. They are not asking for American soldiers to do the fighting — they are asking for weapons and economic assistance so they can stay in the fight. Ukraine’s victory is our victory.

Chinese Doctor Who Sounded Early Alarm on COVID-19

Dr Li Wenliang bravely sounded the alarm on COVID-19 in December 2019 after infections began but was promptly smeared by the CCCP as spreading untrue comments in his communications with former medical school classmates in a chat group.

Wuhan Lab Scientist Says COVID-19 Was A Man-Made Virus

The sheer scope and breadth of worldwide duplicity and criminality involved in Covid-19 is breathtaking! As this writer warned the few that weren’t willing to listen, yes, that’s right, weren’t willing to listen, the lies and thuggery of this virus debacle will all come out

Aleppo Under Siege…Again

WIth the ever expanding surge for power in the middle east of both the Syrian Government and it’s Russian backed allies, the interference of the former Obama led coalition, and the tribal factions of middle eastern interests, there has never been a way forward for peace for the citizens of Syria.

ISIS Defeated?

The terrorist group has shrunk from an estimated 18,000 to 10,000 and has been forced to surrender 25 per cent of territory it has captured.

Iran Installs Advanced Centrifuges To Speed Up Nuclear Work

(Reuters) – Iran has begun installing advanced centrifuges at its main uranium enrichment plant, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Thursday, a defiant step likely to anger world powers ahead of a resumption of talks with Tehran next week.