Modern Sodom & Gomorrah

As if families didn’t have enough to contend with, from rising fuel & energy prices through weak, woke and woeful governments being deceived into the great big lie of the century, “Climate-change”, by big-tech, big money, and shadow governments, but, with all this, we’re also being overtaxed on every conceivable and some inconceivable consumables, while having their superannuation diminished by repeated economic failures. Thanks to Pamela Geller for having the guts to call out these perverted individuals conducts who want to be accepted as “normal”.

Now we are expected to put up transvestites like this above insulting all that are not as “it” has chosen to somehow become, an abomination in God’s sight, along with the usual fellow travellers of queers, drag-queens, and the whole slew of LGBTQI (And whatever other letters they add each year) madness which is being driven by the left-wing go woke, go broke greeny brigades, the crazed left-nutjob media, who are together enabling our dumbed down kids to have their brains muddied up, from kindergarten to University.

God-Fearing Families Must Act or Become Slaves To Their Enemies

Is it any wonder why this filth is now infesting our former God-fearing Christian communities and societies? The problems are numerous, but begin and end with us, we are the problem, because “we” vote for the politicians who not only allow drag-queen shows to sexualize and kidnap our children, but also all levels of our degraded, de-family traditions in the so-called enlightened western societies to do so as well! As a member of God’s ministry for the future government of the coming kingdom of God, I, we in the church of God choose not to take part in the governments of this world, but do recognize the government of God over us regardless of perverted and twisted individuals like this, it is a critical matter every human being must, and will eventually all face at the coming of Christ as head of that future government which God the Father has given into His hands. Matt 28:18-20.

Although God’s churches do not take part in worldly governments, their politics, or any of their ungodly policies, we do have a right to stand up to the tyranny that has gripped our nations, cities, towns, and local communities. The alternative is what we are now seeing on a regular basis which puts conservative people in the unenviable position of slaves being dictated to, told not to speak out against this monstrous behaviour and activism on a global basis.

The Silent Majority

When will we wake up and say NO? Unless & until we the people stand up to this tyranny within our nations, we will continue to be barraged with drag-queen shows sexualizing and defiling our children, and having perverted nutjobs like this that clearly have an agenda to turn our once Judeo-Christian derived societies turned into a modern Sodom and Gomorrah! Friends, If there was ever a time to act, that time is long overdue. Stand up and tell your local member of parliament, your local representative that the line has been crossed. It is always the ‘left’ that makes all the noise, while the conservative voices are almost being shouted and kicked down, but if conservatives were to find a spine, they might actually realize that a little courage goes a long way if exercised appropriately and as often as needed. The left understands this very well and has infiltrated what appears to be almost every facet of society, whereas, at one time, even cross-dressers were closet queens, now, as evidenced in the US, one such weird and twisted male pretending to be female was arrested for stealing women’s clothing, having classed himself as a non-binary drag queen!

A group of 16 Republican lawmakers are demanding the resignation of the Energy Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Sam Brinton (pictured on December 3, 2018) after they admitted to stealing a suitcase from the Minneapolis airport

Is This What The US Government Represents?

The Shew of Their Countenance doth Witness Against Them

Clearly, a vacuum of decency has been coming a long-time, although the current Government has been swift to drag down the once great and prosperous nation into debauchery as is sickeningly being displayed by abominable individuals who declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not…as the scripture of truth but declares, Woe unto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves. Isa 3:9

The tide of sinners has grown so vast as to almost reflect a Tsunami, while conservative Christian-thinking families are being attacked from all sides with the waves of left-wing activism and liberalism being tools with false education and gross misapplication of “human rights” the left are quick to quote while attacking the free speech of any that dare to speak out against these types of family attacks and perversion leading inevitably to social chaos as all family values are cheaply whittled away by weak politicians and their merry brigade of wokesters happy to appease the screaming left while forgetting that the very fabric of all societies are families whom they now white-ant and unravel at their very core leaving families to wonder why their leaders are abandoning them.

Where is Ancient and Modern Sodom & Gomorrah

The shocking truth is that the entire world has become a modern Sodom & Gomorrah and will suffer the consequences as the ancient Sodom & Gomorrah did! Any Bible student will no doubt remember the Biblical account of Sodom & Gomorrah’s destruction by God for its grievous sin, when Melchizedec came down with two holy angels to destroy these cities, and to first tell Abraham of this impending destruction. Those who may not be as familiar can read of this historic event and want to know the truth of this modern parallel, see Genesis chapters 18:1-33-19:1-29.

The LORD there destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah & the whole plain except for the city of Zoar where Lot was protected, he and his two daughters as a future warning to all that chose to become sexually perverted, leaving the natural use of the woman and burning in their lust one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. (Appropriate) Romans 1:27. As God said in the scripture of truth…Gen 13:13  But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly. Today, as then, mankind has not changed. In rejecting God and His right way, men continue ignorantly breaking the laws of nature and of God’s divine law in lies and hypocrisy saying the law is “done away” in stark contrast to Christ’s own words and the words of His apostles. Matt 5:17-18. John.15:10 Romans 7:1-12; In fact, Christ came magnifying the Law, and in the face of this truth, “Christians” everywhere reject the Law of God which Christ said He came not to abolish. Why? Because sin is the transgression of God’s holy Laws, and the wages, the payment, the reward for sin is death; but…(to those who repent) the gift of God is eternal life. Romans 6:23. We don’t have eternal life inherent and somehow “go to heaven” when we die after a life of sin and rejection of God without a penalty and transgression of the Laws of God.

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