There was a time when the Vatican rejected homosexuality as sin, now allow this abominable doctrine to be publicly circulated.
When the Vatican sinks to this level of depravity bordering on blasphemy, what hope is there for their followers?
The teachings of the holy Bible does provide a path to salvation for sinners, but this is not one!!
First is that sin is the transgression of the Law, (I John 3:4) and the one seeking baptism cannot be so until he has turned from sin through repentance.
Baptism requires belief of the scriptures, the word of the living God as the person seeks God in repentance for forgiveness.
Surely even blind Freddy could see that! but bible basics of baptism also require the one to turn from their sin in order to receive that forgiveness of god—right? this is breaking a new—low even for Catholicism.
The Vatican’s doctrinal office (DDF) declared this week that transsexuals and “homoaffective” persons can be baptized and serve as godparents provided certain conditions are met.
Transsexual persons, even if they have undergone hormone therapy or sex reassignment surgery, may receive the Sacrament of Baptism “if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal or confusion among the faithful,” stated the text, signed by Argentinean Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández.
Shortly afterward, the former prefect of the very same DDF, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, released a text criticizing the document for its confusing language as well as for employing “transhumanistic terminology” antithetical to a Catholic understanding of the human person.
At least there is someone standing up to the tide of filth coming out of the Vatican! Then there’s ‘Pope’ Francis, one of the worst Popes (If there’s such a level) in modern times!
Reported in Breitbart News was Pope Francis endorsing “same-sex” civil-unions! What happened to the Catholic organization which once stood against the tide of homosexuality?
Perhaps their evil past has swung back around to smack them in the backside in this who knows, but if I were a betting man, I’d bet that many are now fleeing the plagues that are coming to this vile organization from God Almighty. Of course whether they turn from this latest spiritual gaff matters not a jot, they are in deed headed for the severest of punishments the righteous God will ever mete out against this unfaithful ‘woman’ (referred to in Bible terms) whom God calls the judgement of the great whore…and with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication (spiritual) and with whom the inhabitants of the earth have been made to drink of the “wine” of her fornication.
What does that mean? Break it down a little, wine makes drunk, spiritual drunkenness makes the partaker spiritually drunk, unable to see what the Bible preaches.
Bible speak for a woman is a church, in this case a great false church, the greatest! Notice the label she has “earned” herself in God’s sight:
Rev 17:5 and upon her forehead a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Rev 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I wondered with a great wonder.
This so-called “church” attacked, tortured, brutalized, burnt alive God’s called saints through successive ‘Popes’ through their inquisitions and blood lust to murder those faithful to Christ and the holy Bible would last 10-centuries and leave a trail of blood and destruction of human life never seen before as Foxes book of Martyrs massively conveys.
These Catholic savages carried out their inhumane and barbaric acts of torture which if known in modern society today would make many weep. How such cruelty and evil could be possible within any human being is unimaginable. One only need think how this would play out for even nominal Christians today that profess the name of the Saviour. At this time they would have been viciously battered, stretched of torture beds of horror, seared with hot irons and had their internal organs cut out while still alive!
The Spanish inquisition was arguably some of the most horrific and vile parts of the Catholic Inquisitions, all under the general excuse of rooting out ‘heresy’ which was described in their various nonsensical documents just as the opening article regarding the Vatican’s doctrinal office (DDF) declared this week that transsexuals and “homoaffective” persons can be baptized, which Cardinal Gerhard Müller the former direct of the DDF spoke against released a text criticizing the document for its confusing language as well as for employing “transhumanistic terminology” antithetical to a Catholic understanding of the human person.
Then there’s ‘Pope’ Francis…
Pope Francis endorsed same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope while being interviewed for the feature-length documentary “Francesco,” which had its premiere at the Rome Film Festival back on Oct.22,2020.
‘Pope’ Francis latest foolhardy move in sacking a conservative U.S Bishop because he has been his fiercest critic just shows the corruption and arrogancy of the ‘Pope’.
Pope Francis’ intervention has been a drastic move, as senior clergy are usually pushed to resign in lieu of a full-fledged sacking.
This Bishop might be sincere and has every right to stand against the corrupt practices of the ‘Pope’ but when it comes down to it, Catholics reject the holy
Bible for their own human-devised doctrines and traditions while standing next to false images of a fair skinned long-haired blue-eyed supposed saviour.
The Lord was a Jew who worked with his hands outdoors and would have been tanned with brown eyes, and would not have had long hair as the scriptures say it is a shame for a man to have long hair. (I Corinthians 11:14.) And all scripture is given by inspiration of God, is profitable for doctrine, for reproof (rebukes) for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Tim.3:16-17.)
Many are sincere in their belief in ‘Jesus’ but are sincerely deceived and do not know Him because they do not know His word of instruction, do not seek correction from the wrong way to the right (righteousness) but want their own idea of God and are therefore misled.
Of course, that is only one of literally hundreds and thousands of errors Catholics have continued to make down through the centuries from their inception when they eventually drove all the saints out into all countries having persecuted and murdered them for their simple belief in the Holy Bibleand take over of the true church which they persecuted and murdered for centuries.