Ephraim also is silly as a dove without heart! Hosea.7:11
Massive Death March Against Jews in London
The major protest against Judah-Jews not Israel took place in London, October 14, 2023. A protest which included many silly British citizens.
We are seeing through all western nations how Palestinian” (Edomite) immigrants have negatively affected Britain, Canada, France, Australia, America & every other nation where Edom has emigrated.
They have made no effort to assimilate with their host nations, but have altogether attacked any that dare to defy their anger & hatred of the Jewish nation!
Judah NOT Israel!
Unbeknown to most Western nations, we have descended from the tribes of Israel, and Jerusalem’s citizens are not Israel, but Judah. Israel was Jacob, whose name God changed to Israel who were eventually sent forth of the holy land for their wilful disobedience of God about 718BC. Israel’s older brother was Esau who is Edom. (Gen.36:1,8-9.) There are many powerful prophecies concerning this nation that has ever hated Israel.
Why “Palestinian’s” Whose Descent Is Edom & Ishmael Hate Israel
Some 4,000-years ago Abraham’s son called Ishmael “Palestinian” (Edomite) progenitor whom God prophesied would be a wild man! Gen.16:12. That description of a wild man, literally means “wild-ass” expressing the wildness of Ismael, reflecting the type of wild lifestyle of Bedouin & other Arab descendants.
His hand, Ishmael/Esau/Edom would be against every man’s hand, and every man’s hand against him. His seed was mixed with that of Jacob’s brother Esau who became Edom who dwelt in Mt Seir which is Edom. See Genesis.36:2—3,8,9,19.
The troubles between Edom & Israel began when Jacob stole Esau’s birthright. Esau who became Edom swore in his heart that he would kill his brother. Though this did not happen, Esau’s descendants also hated Israel, and would not permit them to pass through their lands when God brought Israel out of Egyptian genocide after 400-years.
Proofs of Edom’s Wildness Through All Nations Still!
One only need look at any newspaper through history and Arab nations have ever been at war. There has rarely been a time when Arab nations have not been fighting & warring, either against themselves, or with other nations:
For this, read Afghanistan 20-year war, Lebanese 15-year civil war, the 1973 5-monthArab-Israeli war when Egypt & Syria attacked Israel to recapture lost territories from the 1967-war!
Even among themselves such as war between Hamas & Fatah from 2006—2011.
It should not surprise any that the latest attack on Israel came from Hamas Terrorist organization, the government of the Palestinian people, and whom Hamas has instructed to remain in Gaza to act as human shields for this spineless organisation.
Israel were forced to declare war against Hamas after their cowardly attack on Jewish private citizens, the murder of entire families, the rape of women and beheading of babies!
Regardless of the Israeli government’s desire not to fire on innocent citizens & warning all in Gaza to flee due to Hamas firing at Israel from residential areas within Gaza, Palestinians have been told by Hamas to stay put, which is a weak attempt to prevent return fire from the IDF.
The Jewish state have a right as a sovereign nation as does any other to defend themselves against terrorism, and have retaliated to the attack with force. What most don’t know is that the Jews are of the tribe of Judah, not Israel, and it is not only the Jews that Palestinians, Hezbollah and Hamas hate it’s the western nations who have sprung from the scattered tribes of Israel since 718 BC who were forced out of the holy land by the hand of God.
In the final hours now before the major ground offensive, the Israeli Government have repeatedly warned all to leave Gaza as they mount a major offensive to remove the Hamas Terrorist regime’s military installations, knowing, as the whole world must, that the Terrorist organization is using their own citizens as shields as they fire missiles at families within Jerusalem.
The reality of Hamas attacking the Jewish people, the Jewish state is that the Hamas has no desire for peace or the peaceful process that could lead to statehood which goes back to 1967 when Abdel Nasser wanted to drive every Israeli into the sea, but instead were overrun.
WWIII Is Coming
The prophet Jeremiah wrote under inspiration of God the following:
“Alas! For that day is great so that NONE is like it! It is even the time of Jacobs trouble. (Jer.30:7)”
That day is coming at an hour and a day the nations will absolutely be caught napping as the Christ foretold.
Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. This is a repeat of Jeremiah 30:7 in New Testament terms that unambiguously foretells of WWIII!!!
This is the time of Israel’s great punishment, a time of trouble for Jacob.
Who is Jacob? Israel, and Israel today are the nations of the west grown large and spread out around the world. (Request your free copy of The U.S & Britain in Bible Prophecy) This is all relevant because the war is closer!
To the end of that war period of 3-1/2-years, the enemies of Israel & the Jewish state will surround Jerusalem.
What is coming is a time that NONE has been like. Not WWI or WWII or any other war through human history! And it is For ALL Israel,
Not Just Judah in Jerusalem!
Most know of the Lord Jeshua (Jesus Anglicized) whose first coming was as the Lamb of God. Judaism rejected & had Him murdered, but He foreknew from all the prophecies that would happen.
He is the salvation of the entire world to all who will come, repent, walk in newness of life, accept the sacrifice of the Son of God, and go on to perfection and eternal life according to the promises of God in all the Scriptures.
However, The God of heaven will NOT permit His people of Judah to be destroyed, only chastised in measure!
Whether this new war between the forces of Edom is not the war that sparks WWIII spoken of in the prophecies only God knows. What else is so important?
Be on the right side of God and history!!!
Israel’s Enemies Exit Stage Enter GOD!
As we read in Jer.30:7, God promises to Deal With His own people, Judah & the tribes of the western nations (Israel) But, He WILL save them & then TURN His GREAT Hand upon ALL their ENEMIES!
Isa 63:1 Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Isa 63:2 Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? Isa 63:3 I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.
Unless the backers of Jihad and Hamas turn from their awful ways, stop hating, murdering, butchering, raping and now beheading Jewish babies, they WILL feel the full FURY of the God of Abraham & the God of Israel. In fact God has already promised ok, promised to send the LORD Christ as KING of Kings, & LORD of Lords to execute the Vengeance of our GOD!!