Pentagon Doctors Claim 7-Year-Olds Can Consent To Puberty Blockers

Pentagon Madness

In an article from the Geller Report we see the rapid decline in family and godly values in the USA. One would not think it possible with everything that is being decimated in this once greatest of nations in the world, but here it is.

Pentagon Doctors Claim 7-Year-Olds Can Consent to Puberty Blockers

Pentagon doctors claimed that seven-year-olds are capable of making decisions to be injected with puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones.

Healthcare providers connected with the Department of Defence (DoD) argued in favor of the so-called “gender-affirming” model of care for children with gender dysphoria, Fox News first reported.

The providers advocated for “gender-affirming health care, such as puberty suppression and affirming hormones,” in the March edition of the American Journal of Public Health, also going on to claim that “youths … have an inherent ability and right to consent to gender-affirming therapy.”

The authors — David A. Klein, Thomas Baxter, Noelle S. Larson, and clinical psychologist, Natasha A. Schvey, Ph.D. — called for the military to train providers with the so-called “gender-affirming” model of care. They did, however, acknowledge that 53 percent of physicians associated with the military through the DoD health system have stated that they would refuse to provide hormones.

Larson, who is a Paediatric endocrinologist, works for the Department of Paediatrics at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, while Klein Schvey and Baxter work at California’s Travis Air Force Base.

The authors also argued that it is unethical for providers to wait to see if a patient grows out of gender dysphoria. The paper reads:

Some well-intentioned military-affiliated clinicians may not be aware that a ‘watchful waiting’ approach has a different risk profile than a gender-affirmative approach (which allows for gender identity exploration), and that ‘conversion therapy’ is unethical, harmful, and generally illegal.

The DoD stated that “The Department of Defense will train its health care providers in keeping with current science and best medical evidence,” when asked by Fox News whether or not it intended to offer training in support of the “gender-affirming” model of care.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb of Do No Harm, an organization dedicated to opposing racial and gender ideologies in medicine, spoke out against the claims made in the paper. He remarked, “The notion that 7-year-old children are capable of such decisions is beyond laughable.”

Well said Dr. Stanley and “Do No Harm”, yet the sheer volume of the Biden Democrat Government attacks on all that nature provides for human life has been and continues to massively assault all family values, all-natural order, whether it be gender, natural laws, marital truths, or the basics of securing one’s own borders from illegal activity, drug importation, and illegal migration have all been and continue to be greatly disturbing to all free-thinking conservative people’s the world over.

Since when can a man give birth to a fetus, or menstruate? Since when can a woman produce semen or males breastfeed?

These are nonsensical questions that the crazy left in this age are attempting to force all others to accept as truth. So much so, that they make it hate speech to disagree with this drivel. It is so evil and the left are not content with believing these lies, but trying to force us to accept and enforce this filt on our children! Hopefully, families will continue to stand up to this rot and rally all parents to ensure this is defeated and those responsible are brought to justice.

It is time we as parents stand up to the avalanche of family values being trashed by the “progressives” and say enough is enough.

No Evidence that Transgender Interventions are Safe for Children

There is not a single long-term study to demonstrate the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries for transgender-believing youth. This means that youth transition is experimental, and therefore, parents cannot provide informed consent, nor can minors provide assent for these interventions. Moreover, the best long-term evidence we have among adults shows that medical intervention fails to reduce suicide.

Cross-sex hormones (testosterone for women; estrogen for men) may disrupt mental health.

Women who “identify” as men are given enough testosterone to raise their levels 10-40 times above the female reference range. Past studies have documented multiple psychiatric problems with similar high doses of anabolic steroids like testosterone such that 23% of subjects met DSM criteria for a major mood syndrome such as mania, hypomania, and major depression, and 3.4-12% developed psychotic symptoms. Estrogen also impacts mood in complex ways. Post-menopausal women treated with estrogen often experience severe anxiety despite being placed on physiologic doses of the hormone. Men who identify as women are given supraphysiologic doses of estrogen; theoretically, this has the potential to worsen both depression and anxiety.

Blind Leaders Need The Boot

Imagine if someone re-entered the mainstream world after living in the wilderness for 20 years to the astonishing mess of the current world order, its attacks on the very gender mankind were given of God, on freedom of speech, or of being able to refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual union by the people who thought they owned their own business and had the right of free speech in a democratic nation where human-rights such as “free speech”, freedom of thought and choice of the individual was a matter for them, not the state, or the police or the courts for that matter.

20-years ago, refusing to serve a junky, a terrorist, or a violent person in their place of business was at their own discretion. How would someone re-entering the world after say, or a coma deal with a world where everything has been turned upside down, back to front, inside out, where the meaning of words has been shifted to make the word or words sound different or somehow acceptable, from the vile act of homosexuality to gay?

What about changing the very name of a grown male, a man, to a woman? By saying I am a woman though I am a man in this back-to-front world does not deem one so. Can a grown man be a woman? Impossible for any free-thinking person, but then again in this age, mankind is now given the “right” to identify as, a cat, a cow, a dog, or a donkey if you, please.

Now males (once men apparently) can just say they are a woman, obtain taxpayer-funded treatments to make them feel as though they are a woman, and the Government foolishly allows these poor confused souls to change their birth certificate to reflect that confusion.

Surely any normal thinking adult knows that attempting to change nature is not possible, and those who attempt the impossible will only end in disaster? Any that do not then need a reality check, understand that sections of this modern age of the left variety have gone stark raving mad, and the inmates are running the asylum.

When Pentagon doctors can make horrendous attacks on our children without any fear of consequences from the Law, as members of the public certainly would, surely it is time for all rational and reasonable thinking members of society to say enough! It is time to stand up to this, and the filth being portrayed as “normal” when like the “emperor’s invisible clothes tale”, we cannot be fooled into believing he is wearing them, for he is not, and the perpetrators of these lies and assaults on our children cannot convince us that these lies are truth either.

When will the quiet majority stand up for our human right to speak truth, to call a spade a spade, and not fear the politically correct judging them? That’s not judgment at all, but fear! What this is, is child abuse from what should be one of the greatest institutions on earth with the greatest power on the planet, the USA Law makers (DOJ) and the Pentagon, the greatest office in the world other than the throne of David in England.

The absurd interference in our parental rights, and with nature as God has designed and made man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God, male and female created He them, and every creature after its kind (Genesis 1:24-27) is mightily on display.

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